sweet sweet moment

Last night I had the honor of reading to my son, Tristan, my book, Extra Special. You would think by now that I would have read it to him, but every time we read (everyday) he has his favorites that he wants to pick out. I love that he loves to read so when he says no to my suggestions, I just go with it. Well, last night, for the first time, Tristan wanted to read Extra Special! I was really curious as to how he would respond to it. I have never read it to anyone!! I was so happy that he loved it! I think he mostly just like the soccer balls on each page because he kept talking about kicking it in the goal, but that is ok! I will take it! He was really excited about the illustrations.... Thanks, Frank! There is nothing greater than seeing your child excited about books :) It was just a sweet moment for me...

until next time!!!