Since I am currently reading A TIME TO EMBRACE by Karen Kingsbury, and I am LOVING IT, I thought it would be appropriate to give a FREE copy away so someone else can enjoy it, too! So here is how this works.... we are only about 25 people away from 600 Fans. Share us today on your facebook page and be sure to tag us when you do. The person who shares us with the 600th fan will receive their very own copy of A TIME TO EMBRACE! 

If you do not know how to TAG someone on facebook, here is what you do.
On YOUR facebook page, post something like... "LIKE Solid Rock Children's Book today-help me to win a free book" and when you do, be sure to put the @symbol in front of Solid Rock Childrens Books (with NO space) and it should automatically pop up for you. So it should look like @solidrockchildrensbooks and then it should turn blue. If this does not work for you, have your friends, after they LIKE us, say who sent them :)


new products!!!

Today we are happy to have added almost 20 new Karen Kingsbury books to our online store Solid Rock Children's Books!!

Although we are a children's book store, we do offer several books for moms, too :)

 Like Dandelion Dust
Some of the new products that we offer include her book that was recently made into a movie, Like Dandelion Dust. This is a heart wrenching book about adoption. Honestly, I have yet to be able to bring myself to watch it. It hits so close to home for us, I cried buckets during the trailer.. so I think I will have to wait to see the movie!! 

 Leaving is Kingsbury's newest series. This book was released in March and is supposedly amazing. Imagine that! I can't wait to read it myself!

 A Time to Embrace is what I am reading right now. It is really good. Talk about a great book on forgiveness and accepting what God hands us. This book is really inspiring and it makes my faith grow thinking about how God does hear our prayers! AWESOME read!

Check out Like Dandelion Dust, Leaving and A Time to Embrace, all by Karen Kingsbury, at Solid Rock Children's Books!