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Welcome to my blog about my, soon to be published, children's book! I have to say, this is one of those things that I always wanted to do, but I never really thought would happen. I am one of those people who tends to get very "comfortable" and I do not venture out to try things that I really want to accomplish. However, here I am, with my first book ready to go to print! I am so excited that you are here to share this journey with me!

Some background about me...
I have been teaching elementary school for the past 8 years and one of my favorite parts about my job is reading to the children. I love to see them swept away in the characters and story. I also love that since I teach first grade, I really get to see, for many children, the defining moment when they learn how to truly read. What an amazing thing it is! These feelings combined, made me want to write a story, with hopefully more to follow, that will not only provide children with another book to read, but hopefully a book that they can relate to on one level or another. In today's society, we all face challenges whether they are physical, mental, emotional or situational. No matter what your challenge is, it belongs to you, and molds you into who you are. I am hoping that through my story, EXTRA SPECIAL, children will realize that they are not alone with their challenges, and that they can be molded in a positive way if they just trust and believe in God, and themselves.